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If clauses digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kondisi atas kejadian atau keberadaan sesuatu.
Contoh : If you mix sugar with water, it will dissolve
Here, the sugar will dissolve on the condition that you mix it with water.
Ada tiga tipe if clauses:

Type 1. mengenai kejadian nyata
Dalam tipe 1, if clause dalam present tense, sedangkan main clause biasanya dalam bentuk present, future, atau imperative.
  • If you go to the drug store, buy me a soft drink. (present ; imperative)
  • If Mary calls, I’ll invite her to the concert. (present ; future)
  • If Mary should call, I’ll invite her to the concert. (modal ; future)

Type 2
Type 2 is concerned with hypothetical or unreal situations in the present. (berkaitan dengan khayalan atau situasi yang tidak nyata saat ini.)
- If I had the money, I would buy a motorcycle.
This is called a hypothetical if clause because I don’t have the money but I am imagining what I would do if I did.

Type 3
Type 3 is concerned with hypothetical discussion about the past.
- If I had known you were sick, I would have made you some soup. (past perfect-modal past)
Here the implication is that I didn’t know you were sick (and that you may no longer be sick).
- If you had been here yesterday, you could have seen Pam. (past perfect-modal past)
It is clear in the example that you were not here yesterday.

Kata if sangat membantu untuk mengenali if clause, namun, tidak selalu digunakan.

Type 1: should
  • If you should get a letter from Greece, give me a call.
  • Should you get a letter from Greece, give me a call.

Type 2: were
  • If you were taller, you could reach the light.
  • Were you taller, you could reach the light.

Type 3
  • If I had agreed, Jim would have married me.
  • Had I agreed, Jim would have married me.
Unless, which has a meaning similar to if not, can also be used in conditional clauses.
  • If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the lake.
  • Unless it rains, we’ll go to the lake.


Conditional sentence adalah kalimat yang kita gunakan untuk mengatakan kejadian yang mungkin akan terjadi, seandainya terjadi atau jika terjadi. Kejadian yang kita ungkapkan itu mungkin akan terjadi, tapi bisa juga tidak mungkin terjadi. Tergantung kalimatnya. Makanya, dalam conditional sentences ini terbagi menjadi 3, Conditional 1 (mungkin akan terjadi), Conditional 2 (tidak terjadi, tapi suatu saat mungkin terjadi), dan Conditional 3 (tidak mungkin terjadi karena sudah lampau, sudah terjadi). Untuk lebih jelasnya, kita akan membahas satu per satu.
Conditional 1
Kita mengatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi. Kita memikirkan sesuatu atau kondisi di waktu yang akan datang dan hasilnya. Kita mengatakan suatu kemungkinan yang nyata akan terjadi. Misalnya, hari ini hari libur, jadi saya tidak bekerja. Biasanya, kalau hari minggu tuh kawan saya datang. Nah, kalau kawan saya datang, saya akan mengajaknya makan-makan. Ini baru rencana, to? Kalau, seandainya, jika kawan saya datang. Tapi kemungkinannya ada/besar, karena memang biasanya dia datang pada hari minggu. Tapi ini belum terjadi, lo. Jadi saya bilang begini, Kalau dia datang, saya akan mengajaknya makan-makan. If he comes, I will ask him to have meals.
Kesimpulannya, bagaimana membuat kalimat ini?
Atau bisa juga WILL Verb 1 + IF + SIMPLE PRESENT
  1. If you fail the test, you will repeat the course.
  2. If he doesn’t have enough money, we will help you.
  3. If they accompany me to go to the hospital, I will thank them.
  4. I will go shopping with you if I have much money.
  5. They will arrest him if he escapes from the town.
Mudah, kan? Jadi dalam conditional 1, kita mengungkapkan kejadian yang akan datang yang mungkin terjadi.
Conditional 2
Dalam conitional ini, hampir sama dengan conditional yang pertama. Kita memikirkan sesuatu yang mungkin akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang dan hasilnya. Tapi, ini tak mungkin terjadi karena kondisinya tidak mendukung. Jadi ini sama seperti khayalan atau impian.
Misalnya, sekarang anda sedang ditawari mobil seharga 100 juta. Padahal Anda Cuma punya uang 5 juta. Kan nggak mungkin to Anda beli mobil itu? Jadi Anda langsung menghayal ‘Seandainya aku punya uang 100 juta, aku akan beli mobil itu.’Tapi suatu saat kalau anda punya uang 100 juta, ya Anda bisa beli mobil itu. Karena mobil itu juga belum laku kok. Itu bukan suatu hal yang mustahil. Jadi itu sesuatu yang tidak nyata tapi masih mungkin terjadi. Kalau saya punya uang 100 juta, saya akan membeli mobil itu. If had money, I would buy the car.
Kesimpulannya, bagaimana membuat kalimat ini?
Atau bisa juga WOULD Verb 1+ IF + SIMPLE PAST
  1. If you work hard, you would be rich. Kenyataannya kamu malas bekerja, jadi kamu miskin.
  2. If he loved me, I would marry him. Kenyataannya dia tidak mencintaiku.
  3. They would come to my house if I invited them. Kenyataannya saya tidak mengundang mereka.
  4. I would arrive sooner if I went by plane. Kenyataannya saya pergi naik mobil.
  5. He would call me mommy if I were his mom. Kenyataannya saya bukan ibunya.
Conditional 3
Dalam conditional yang pertama kita membicarakan sesuatu yang mungkin akan terjadi. Dalam conditional yang kedua kita membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak terjadi, tapi masih mungkin terjadi. Dalam conditional yang ketiga kita membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi. Mengapa? Karena kejadian itu sedah berlalu, sudah selesai, sudah finis jadi nggak mungkin terulang lagi. Lha wong sudah terjadi, kok. Jadi ini hanya khayalan saja. Misalnya begini, seminggu yang lalu saya ditawari mobil seharga 100 juta. Pada saat itu saya nggak punya uang. Nah, karena saya nggak punya uang, akhirnya mobil itu dibeli sama tetangga saya. Jadi nggak mungkin to, saya membeli mobil itu? Wong mobilnya aja sudah laku, kok. Wong saya saja nggak punya duit, kok. Jadi sambil melihat tetangga saya menaiki mobil itu, saya berkhayal :
Seandainya saya punya uang 100 juta, saya akan membeli mobil itu.’ ‘If I had had 100 millions, I would have bought the car. Jelas, kan?
Kesimpulannya, bagaimana membuat kalimat ini?
Atau bisa juga WOULD HAVE Verb 3 + IF + PAST PERFECT
  1. If you had loved me, I would have married you. Kenyataannya kamu menikah dengan orang lain seminggu yang lalu.
  2. If had joined our group, we would have invited you in our program. Kenyataannya kamu tidak bergabung sehingga kamu tidak kami undang di acara kami kemarin.
  3. If I had told you the truth, you would have forgiven me. Kenyataannya kamu tidak memaafkanku.
  4. They would have called me if I had applied for a job. Kenyataannya saya tidak melamar pekerjaan.
  5. Pak Wongso would have taught me if he hadn’t died. Kenyataannya dia sudah meninggal.
Nah itulah ketiga conditional yang kita pelajari. Mudah-mudahan jelas, ya? Kalau And abaca berulang-ulang, mudah-mudahan akan cepat bisa. Silahkan menambah latihan dengan membuat kalimat buatan sendiri sekalian menambah kosa kata. Okay, kan. Terima kasih…see you on the next session



Verbs adalah kata kerja yang menunjukan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek, namun mungkin juga menunjukan keadaan. Contoh :
• Amir comes from Jakarta
• My brother studies in japan
• She is beautiful
Dalam bahasa inggris ada bermacam-macam verb (kata kerja), namun dalam bagian ini hanya akan membahas beberapa macam kata kerja yang pokok saja.

• Finite verb (ordinary verb) adalah kata kerja biasa yakni yang ditandai dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :
a. Bila dipakai dalam kalimat Tanya dan negative perlu memakai kata kerja bantu do, does, atau did.
b. Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tenses
c. Memiliki bentuk-bentuk : invinitive, present partticple, gerund, past tense, present tense, past participle.

Contoh : she works hard (infinitive)
She is working (present participle)
She worked hard (past tense)
She has gone to bali (past participle)
• Auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu) adalah kata kerja yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk menyatakan tindakan atau keadaan, atau khususnya mempunyai fungsi grammatical.
• Linking verbs adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subject dengan complementnya. Kata yang dihubungkan dengan subject tersebut dinamakan subject complement. Linking verbs yang umum adalah :

Be (am,is,are,was,etc) look stay
Appear remain taste
Become seem smell
Feel sound

contoh :
• She looks serious
• The author is our guest
• Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat. Contohnya :
- He struck the board
- A dog bites the man
- You push the door
• Intransitive verbs adalah kata kerja yang tiidak memerlukan object, karena sudah dapat menunjukan arti yang sempurna. Contoh :
- The sun shines
- The cat slept
- The water boils

Notes :
1. Walaupun beberapa verbs adalah transitive verbs (memerlukan object) dan beberapa verbs yang lain intransitive verbs (tidak memerlukan object), namun kebanyakan verbs dalam bahasa inggris dapat menjadi transitive maupun intransitive. Contohnya :
- He drops his bottles (transitive)
The rain drops from the sky (intransitive)
- They grow rubber trees (transitive)
Rice grows in the fertile soils (intransitive)

2. Ada beberapa verb intransitive yang memakai object noun yang searti dengan verbnya sendiri. Ini disebut cognate object . contohnya :
- He laughs loudly
- He slept soundly
- He died a miserable death
3. Ada beberapa verb transitive dan intransitive walaupun ssudah mempunyai object tetapi artinya belum sempurna sebelum dengann ditambah dengan kata-kata lain yang dinamakan compplemennya. Kata-kata yang memerlukan komplemen adalah :
Make bring
Name give
Call appoint
Find seen
Declare hear

Contohnya :
- I make you happy
- I make him laugh
- She makes me understand nglish
4. Banyak verb yang memiliki pola (struktur)

Verb + preposition + object
Verbs + preposition + verb-ing

Contoh :
We talk about the problem
if the object is another verb, it ends in ing
beberapa verbs yang mempunyai struktur :

verb + preposition + verb-ing

contohnya : succeed of/ think about/ dream of/ approve of/ look forward/ insist on/ decide against. Dst
- Budi succeed in finding a good job
- Are you thinking of/about buying a house
5. Beberapa verbs tertentu mempunyai pola (struktur)

Verb + object + preposition + verb-ing

Contonhya :
1. They accused me of telling lies
2. Do you suspect the man of being a spay
3. I congratulated rina on passing the exam
4. I thanked her for being so helful
6. regular and irregular verbs
Regular verb adalah kata kerja berubah-ubah sesuai dengan bentuk tense dan perubahan kata kerja itu secara teratur.
Irregular verb adalah kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi sama dengan regular verb tetapi perubahan kata kerja ini secara tidak teratur.
Ccontohnya :
Go - went – gone
See – saw –seen
Get – got - gotten

Tugas 06 Kalimat Passive Voice

passive voice

Kalimat aktif merupakan kalimat yang subjek kalimatnya adalah pelaku sebuah tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya bukan pelaku suatu tindakan. Si subjek adalah si penerima akibat dari sebuah tindakan.

Bandingkan kalimat-kalimat berikut:

Aktif : Agus mengetik dokumen itu kemarin
Pasif : dokumen itu diketik oleh Agus kemarin
Aktif : Kucingku membunuh seekor tikus
Pasif : Seekor tikus dibunuh oleh kucingku

Gunakan bentuk pasif jika pelaku tindakan tidak begitu penting.


Menara ini dibangun tahun 1955

Kalau kita perlu menyebut siapa pelaku suatu tindakan, gunakan kata oleh (by)


Menara ini telah dibangun oleh Pemerintah Daerah pada tahun 1955

Rumus umum untuk membentuk suatu kalimat Pasif

Aktif : S + Verb (Kata Kerja) + Objek + dll
Pasif : Objek + to be + Verb 3 (Kata Kerja Bentuk III) ( + by subjek) + dll

To be yang digunakan

Present : is, am, are
Past : was, were
Perfect : been (di depan have, has, atau had)
Future : be (setelah modals)
Continuous : being (di depan salah satu dari 7 to be di atas)

Hal-hal yang perlu diketahui dan diingat

Untuk menyatakan suatu kalimat dalam bentuk pasif, tenses tidak berubah. Tenses harus sama dengan kalau kita menyatakannya dalam bentuk aktif. Yang berubah hanya kata kerja-nya.
Kata kerja yang tidak memiliki objek (Kata Kerja Intransitif) tidak dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, seperti, menangis, mendidih, terbit, dll.

Contoh-contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif

Michael is singing a song (active)
A song is being sung by Michael (passive)

Michael sings a song (active)
A song is sung by Michael (Passive)

Michael will sing a song (active)
A song will be sung by Michael (passive)

Michael sang a song yesterday (active)
A song was sung by Michael yesterday (passive)

Michael can sing a song (active)
A song can be sung by Michael (passive)

Michael has sung a song (active)
A song has been sung by Michael (passive)

Beberapa Bentuk Kalimat Passive
1) Passive Imperative Sentence


Let + objek + be + Kata Kerja Bentuk III

Help the poor (active)
Let the poor be helped (passive)

2) Passive Infinitive: It is/was time


It is/was time for + objek + to be + kata kerja III

It is time to send the letter (active)
It is time for the letter to be sent (passive)

3) Negative Passive Imperative Sentence


Subjek + be + Kata kerja III + not to + infinitive

(kata kerja III yang sering digunakan adalah: advised, asked, begged, commanded, requested)

Don�t wait for me (active)
You are advised not to wait for me (passive)

4) Passive Sentence with Verbs of Perception

Subjek + be + adjectives + when + subjek + be + kata kerja III

(kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: taste, smell, feel)

This food tastes delicious (active)
This food is delicious when it is tasted (passive)

5) Passive Sentence with Certain Verbs followed by �that-clause�

Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: accept, admit, agree, assume, believe, decide, expect, find out, intend, plan, point out, presume, prove, regret, report, say, think, understand.

We regretted that the principal had to resign from office (active)
It was regretted that the principal had to resign from office (passive)

6) Passive Sentence with Nouns or Adjectives as Complements

I consider her very pretty (active)
She is considered very pretty (passive)

7) Passive Sentence with two objects

He gave me a book (active)
A book was given to me by him (passive 1)
I was given a book by him (passive 2)

8) Passive Sentence with Gerund Verbs

The teacher enjoyed teaching the students (active)
The students enjoyed being taught by the teacher (passive)

9) Agent consisting long expression at the end of sentence

Dalam kalimat pasif, jika pelaku terdiri dari ekspresi yang panjang, sebaiknya subjek tersebut ditempatkan di akhir kalimat setelah by.

We were all surprised by her sudden announcement to get married
I was confused by his plan to stop the ongoing project and begin a new one.

10) Passive Sentence with unique verbs

Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: require, deserve, need

This wall needs to be painted (sama dengan)
This wall needs painting.

source :

Tugas 05 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Grid computing is a term referring to the combination of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach a common goal. The grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files. What distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed. Although a grid can be dedicated to a specialized application, it is more common that a single grid will be used for a variety of different purposes. Grids are often constructed with the aid of general-purpose grid software libraries known as middleware.

Grid size can vary by a considerable amount. Grids are a form of distributed computing whereby a “super virtual computer” is composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform very large tasks. Furthermore, “distributed” or “grid” computing, in general, is a special type of parallel computing that relies on complete computers (with onboard CPUs, storage, power supplies, network interfaces, etc.) connected to a network (private, public or the Internet) by a conventional network interface, such as Ethernet. This is in contrast to the traditional notion of a supercomputer, which has many processors connected by a local high-speed computer bus.

Grid computing combines computers from multiple administrative domains to reach a common goal, to solve a single task, and may then disappear just as quickly.

One of the main strategies of grid computing is to use middleware to divide and apportion pieces of a program among several computers, sometimes up to many thousands. Grid computing involves computation in a distributed fashion, which may also involve the aggregation of large-scale cluster computing-based systems.

The size of a grid may vary from small—confined to a network of computer workstations within a corporation, for example—to large, public collaborations across many companies and networks. "The notion of a confined grid may also be known as an intra-nodes cooperation whilst the notion of a larger, wider grid may thus refer to an inter-nodes cooperation".[2]

Grids are a form of distributed computing where by a “super virtual computer” is composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform very large tasks. This technology has been applied to computationally intensive scientific, mathematical, and academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back office data processing in support for e-commerce and Web services.

source :

Definisi dan Fungsi Modifier

contoh definisi modifier dan macam macam nya :

Modifier merupakan prepositional phrase atau dapat dikatakan suatu kalimat yang dimulai oleh kata depan dan diakhiri oleh noun,contohnya seperti pada kalimat “in the morning” (pada pagi hari), “on the table” (di atas meja), “at the university” (di universitas).
Modifier berfungsi untuk menerangkan waktu (modifier of time), menerangkan tempat (modifier of place), atau menerangkan cara dalam melakukan kegiatan (modifier of manner), Modifier dapat menjawab pertanyaan ‘when’, where, dan ‘how’. Selain itu, modifier dapat juga berupa single adverb (misalnya: yesterday (kemarin), outdoors (luar gedung), hurriedly (dengan buru-buru) atau adverbial phrase (misalnya: last night (tadi malam), next year (tahun depan).

Dalam bahasa Inggris kata benda bisa memiliki rangkaian kata-kata penjelas. Rangkaian itu biasanya diletakkan sebelum kata benda tersebut. Kata-kata penjelas tersebut disebut dengan modifier. Modifier ini bisa hanya satu, bisa juga lebih dari satu.
Untuk pengertian Noun Phrase itu sendiri atau Frasa kata Benda, adalah kata benda yang mendapat rangkaian kata-kata penjelas; suatu rangkaian kata yang berintikan kata benda.
Frase kata benda terdapat dua macam, yaitu kata penjelas yang mengawali kata benda bersangkutan dan kata penjelas yang mengakhiri kata benda bersangkutan.

Marilah kita menyimak contoh di bawah ini :
a book, the book
this book, that book, those book
my book, your book, their book, our book
several book, all book, every book
good books.

Untuk contoh baris pertama kata benda tersebut memiliki kata penjelas article (a) dan (the). Bila modifiernya hanya satu biasanya terbentuk dari salah satu determiner seperti article (a, an, the), demonstratif, seperti contoh baris kedua, possessif, seperti contoh baris ketiga, quantitatif, seperti contoh baris keempat dan bisa sebuah kata sifat. Bila kita menemui kata benda yang memiliki lebih dari satu modifier, dari masing-masing modifier itu memiliki arti dan penjelasan yang berbeda.

Marilah kita menyimak contoh di bawah ini:
a hot iron
a big old red car
my first four beautiful wooden tables

Untuk contoh baris pertama, memiliki dua modifier yang berbeda, bila diartikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia berarti, “sebuah besi yang panas”. Kata benda besi diikuti oleh keterangan panas dan modifier article. Contoh yang lebih banyak lagi modifiernya seperti contoh baris ketiga. Yang bila diartikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia berarti, “empat meja milik saya yang pertama dan cantik terbuat dari kayu”. Untuk contoh baris kedua silahkan terjemahkan sendiri.
Dalam setiap penempatan modifier itu tidaklah sembarangan. Ada aturan tersendiri dalam menempatkan masing-masing modifier. Urutan-urutan modifier itu adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Bilangan kolektif
2. Kata article atau kata posesif adjectif
3. Bilangan urut
4. Bilangan biasa
5. Pendapat atau kata sifat
6. fakta mengenai ukuran, usia, bentuk, warna, dll.
7. Kata benda

Sumber :

Definisi Komplemen

Komplemen dalam bahasa Inggris selalu digunakan dalam sehari-hari sebagai pelengkap karena memang bentuk komplemen berfungsi untuk melengkapi arti kata kerja. Kata kerja inipun spesifik yaitu kata kerja yang mengekspresikan being (keadaan), seeming (nampaknya/kelihatannya), feeling (perasaan), atau appearing (pemunculan). Kata kerja seperti ini disebut juga dengan kata kerja kopulatif atau linking verb, yaitu menghubungkan antara subjek dengan komplemen itu sendiri. Perlu diingat bahwa kata kerja kopulatif tidak diikuti oleh objek langsung dan semua bentuk kata kerja “be” adalah kopulatif kecuali jika “be” digunakan sebagai kata kerja bantu (auxiliary) yang membentuk perubahan waktu kalimat aktif atau pasif dan mood (suasana) dari kata kerja tersebut.

It seems so hard to believe.
(seems menghubungkan subjek “it” dengan “hard, dan “hard” sendiri merupakan komplemen dari “seems”)

He will be here in a minute.
(Kata kerja “will be” menghubungkan subjek “He” dengan “here” (disini) dan “here” merupakan komplemen dari “will be”

I feel well today.
(“well” merupakan komplemen dari kata kerja “feel”)

I am fine
(fine merupakan komplemen dari kata kerja to be “am”. “Am” sendiri kopulatif)

He was in the toilet
(in the toilet merupakan komplemen dari kata kerja to be “was”, dan “was” kopulatif )

I am working with my friend.
(kata kerja to be “am” bukan kopulatif karena “am” digunakan sebagai auxiliary yang membentuk perubahan waktu kalimat positif yaitu present progressive (sedang))

English is taught in almost all schools in Indonesia.
(kata kerja to be “is” bukan kopulatif karena “is” digunakan sebagai auxiliary yang membentuk makna pasif)

Was he born in Indonesia ?
(“Was” bukan kopulatif dan merupakan indicative mood karena menanyakan pertanyaan)

Source :

Tugas 02 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Kata kerja

1.Pengertian Fungsi Kata Kerja

Verbs (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek, namun mungkin juga untuk menunjukkan keadaan. Verbs biasanya menjadi Predikat dari suatu kalimat.


Henry comes from London.
My brother studies in America.
She is very beautiful.
They are diligent.

Macam-macam Kata Kerja
1. Finite Verb (Kata Kerja Biasa)

Ciri-ciri Kata Kerja Jenis ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Bila dipakai dalam kalimat tanya dan negative perlu memakai kata kerja bantu do, does atau did.
Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tense.
Biasanya mempunyai bentuk-bentuk:
Present Participle
Past Tense
Present Tense
Past Participle


Ms. Anne reads a novel. (Infinitive)
Ms. Anne is reading a novel. (Present Participle)
Does Ms. Anne read a novel?
Ms. Anne read a novel. (Past Tense)
Ms. Anne has read a novel. (Past Participle)

2. Auxiliary Verbs (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Yaitu kata kerja yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk menyatakan tindakan atau keadaan, atau berfungsi untuk melengkapi fungsi gramatikal.

Kata Kerja Auxiliary adalah:

Is, am, are
Was, were
Do, does, did
Has, have, had
Can, could
May, might
Will, would
Shall, should
Ought to
Had better
Need, Dare (Dapat juga berfungsi sebagai Kata Kerja Biasa)

3. Linking Verbs (Kata Kerja Penghubung)

Yaitu kata kerja yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subject dengan complement-nya. Kata yang dihubungkan dengan subject tersebut dinamakan subject complement. Jika kata Kerja Penghubung tersebut kita gantikan dengan be (am, is, are, was, dll.), maka maknanya tidak berubah.

Linking Verbs yang umum adalah:

be (am, is, are, was, dll.)


The actress is beautiful.
Alex looks serious. (= Alex is serious).
The cakes smell delicious (=the cakes are delicious).

4. Transitive Verbs (Kata Kerja Yang Membutuhkan Objek)

Yaitu kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat atau melengkapi makna kalimat.

Kata kerja Transitive diantaranya adalah: Drink, watch, read, fill, open, close, dll


He watches the film. (Kalimat ini tidak akan lengkap, jika "the film" kita hilangkan. Orang lain akan bertanya-tanya - menonton apa?, maka watch (menonton) membutuhkan object agar makna kalimat tersebut dapat dipahami).
The man cuts the tree.

5. Intransitive Verbs (Kata Kerja Yang Tidak Membutuhkan Objek)

Yaitu adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek, karena sudah dapat dipahami dengan sempurna makna kalimat tersebut.

Kata-kata kerja yang termasuk Intransitive verbs diantaranya adalah: Shine, come, sit, boil, sleep, fall, cry, dll.


The baby cries.
My mother is sleeping.
The water boils.


Ada juga beberapa kata kerja yang dapat berfungsi sebagai transitive maupun intransitive verbs.


He drops his bottles. (transitif)
The rain drops from the sky. (intransitif)
The contestants still misunderstood then. (transitif)
The contestants still misunderstood. (intransitif)
They grow the rubber trees. (transitif)
Rice grows in the fertile soil. (intransitif)

Ada beberapa verb intransitive yang memakai Objective Noun yang mempunyai satu kesatuan makna dengan kata kerjanya. Objeknya disebut Cognate Object.


He played the fool. (Dia bermain gila-gilaan).
He laughs a hard laugh. (Dia tertawa lebar).
He slept a sound sleep. (Dia tidur nyenyak).
He died a miserable death. (Dia mati melarat).

Ada beberapa verb transitive dan intransitive walaupun sudah mempunyai object tetapi artinya belum sempuma sebelum ditambah kata-kata lain.

Kata Kerja jenis ini diantaranya adalah: make, name, call, find, declare, suppose, consider, bring, give, appoint, seen, hear, dll.


I will make you happy.
I appoint him to be my assistant.

Ada juga kata kerja yang mempunyai pola sebagai berikut:

Kata Kerja + Preposition + Object
Kata Kerja + Preposition + Kata Kerja-ing


We talked about the problem.
She felt sorry for coming late.

Kata-kata kerja untuk pola kedua diantaranya adalah: succeed in, think about/of, dream of, dream about, approve of, look forward to, insist on, decide against, angry with, sorry for, thanks for, dll.

Ada juga Kata Kerja tertentu yang mempunyai pola sebagai berikut:

Kata Kerja + Object + Preposition + Kata Kerja-ing


They accused me of telling lies.
Do you suspect the man of being a spy?
I congratulated Bob on passing the exam.
What prevented him from coming to the party?
I thanked her for being so helpful.

6. Regular & Irregular Verbs

Regular Verb adalah kata kerja yang dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan bentuk tense; dan perubahan bentuk kata kerja itu secara teratur.

Contoh perubahan Kata Kerja jenis ini adalah:

Call - called - called
Admit - admitted - admitted
Submit - submitted - submitted
Invite - invited - invited

Irregular Verb adalah kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi sama dengan regular verb, tetapi perubahan bentuk kata kerja ini secara tidak teratur.

Contoh perubahan kata kerja jenis ini adalah:

Read - Read - Read
Come - came - come
Begin - began - begun
Sleep - slept - slept

Article : What Cloud Computing Really Means

The next big trend sounds nebulous, but it's not so fuzzy when you view the value proposition from the perspective of IT professionals

Cloud computing is all the rage. "It's become the phrase du jour," says Gartner senior analyst Ben Pring, echoing many of his peers. The problem is that (as with Web 2.0) everyone seems to have a different definition.

As a metaphor for the Internet, "the cloud" is a familiar cliché, but when combined with "computing," the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. Others go very broad, arguing anything you consume outside the firewall is "in the cloud," including conventional outsourcing.

[ Get the no-nonsense explanations and advice you need to take real advantage of cloud computing in InfoWorld editors' 21-page Cloud Computing Deep Dive PDF special report, then go deeper in our Private Cloud Deep Dive. | Stay up on the cloud with InfoWorld's Cloud Computing Report newsletter. ]

Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities.

Cloud computing is at an early stage, with a motley crew of providers large and small delivering a slew of cloud-based services, from full-blown applications to storage services to spam filtering. Yes, utility-style infrastructure providers are part of the mix, but so are SaaS (software as a service) providers such as Today, for the most part, IT must plug into cloud-based services individually, but cloud computing aggregators and integrators are already emerging.

InfoWorld talked to dozens of vendors, analysts, and IT customers to tease out the various components of cloud computing. Based on those discussions, here's a rough breakdown of what cloud computing is all about:

1. SaaS
This type of cloud computing delivers a single application through the browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the customer side, it means no upfront investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one app to maintain, costs are low compared to conventional hosting. is by far the best-known example among enterprise applications, but SaaS is also common for HR apps and has even worked its way up the food chain to ERP, with players such as Workday. And who could have predicted the sudden rise of SaaS "desktop" applications, such as Google Apps and Zoho Office?

2. Utility computing
The idea is not new, but this form of cloud computing is getting new life from, Sun, IBM, and others who now offer storage and virtual servers that IT can access on demand. Early enterprise adopters mainly use utility computing for supplemental, non-mission-critical needs, but one day, they may replace parts of the datacenter. Other providers offer solutions that help IT create virtual datacenters from commodity servers, such as 3Tera's AppLogic and Cohesive Flexible Technologies' Elastic Server on Demand. Liquid Computing's LiquidQ offers similar capabilities, enabling IT to stitch together memory, I/O, storage, and computational capacity as a virtualized resource pool available over the network.

3. Web services in the cloud
Closely related to SaaS, Web service providers offer APIs that enable developers to exploit functionality over the Internet, rather than delivering full-blown applications. They range from providers offering discrete business services -- such as Strike Iron and Xignite -- to the full range of APIs offered by Google Maps, ADP payroll processing, the U.S. Postal Service, Bloomberg, and even conventional credit card processing services.

4. Platform as a service
Another SaaS variation, this form of cloud computing delivers development environments as a service. You build your own applications that run on the provider's infrastructure and are delivered to your users via the Internet from the provider's servers. Like Legos, these services are constrained by the vendor's design and capabilities, so you don't get complete freedom, but you do get predictability and pre-integration. Prime examples include's, Coghead and the new Google App Engine. For extremely lightweight development, cloud-based mashup platforms abound, such as Yahoo Pipes or

5. MSP (managed service providers)
One of the oldest forms of cloud computing, a managed service is basically an application exposed to IT rather than to end-users, such as a virus scanning service for e-mail or an application monitoring service (which Mercury, among others, provides). Managed security services delivered by SecureWorks, IBM, and Verizon fall into this category, as do such cloud-based anti-spam services as Postini, recently acquired by Google. Other offerings include desktop management services, such as those offered by CenterBeam or Everdream.

6. Service commerce platforms
A hybrid of SaaS and MSP, this cloud computing service offers a service hub that users interact with. They're most common in trading environments, such as expense management systems that allow users to order travel or secretarial services from a common platform that then coordinates the service delivery and pricing within the specifications set by the user. Think of it as an automated service bureau. Well-known examples include Rearden Commerce and Ariba.

7. Internet integration
The integration of cloud-based services is in its early days. OpSource, which mainly concerns itself with serving SaaS providers, recently introduced the OpSource Services Bus, which employs in-the-cloud integration technology from a little startup called Boomi. SaaS provider Workday recently acquired another player in this space, CapeClear, an ESB (enterprise service bus) provider that was edging toward b-to-b integration. Way ahead of its time, Grand Central -- which wanted to be a universal "bus in the cloud" to connect SaaS providers and provide integrated solutions to customers -- flamed out in 2005.

Today, with such cloud-based interconnection seldom in evidence, cloud computing might be more accurately described as "sky computing," with many isolated clouds of services which IT customers must plug into individually. On the other hand, as virtualization and SOA permeate the enterprise, the idea of loosely coupled services running on an agile, scalable infrastructure should eventually make every enterprise a node in the cloud. It's a long-running trend with a far-out horizon. But among big metatrends, cloud computing is the hardest one to argue with in the long term.

This article, "What cloud computing really means," was originally published at Follow the latest developments in cloud computing at For the latest developments in business technology news, follow on Twitter.

Read more about cloud computing in InfoWorld's Cloud Computing Channel.

sumber :

What Cloud Computing Really Means

The next big trend sounds nebulous, but it's not so fuzzy when you view the value proposition from the perspective of IT professionals

Cloud computing is all the rage. "It's become the phrase du jour," says Gartner senior analyst Ben Pring, echoing many of his peers. The problem is that (as with Web 2.0) everyone seems to have a different definition.

As a metaphor for the Internet, "the cloud" is a familiar cliché, but when combined with "computing," the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. Others go very broad, arguing anything you consume outside the firewall is "in the cloud," including conventional outsourcing.

[ Get the no-nonsense explanations and advice you need to take real advantage of cloud computing in InfoWorld editors' 21-page Cloud Computing Deep Dive PDF special report, then go deeper in our Private Cloud Deep Dive. | Stay up on the cloud with InfoWorld's Cloud Computing Report newsletter. ]

Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities.

Cloud computing is at an early stage, with a motley crew of providers large and small delivering a slew of cloud-based services, from full-blown applications to storage services to spam filtering. Yes, utility-style infrastructure providers are part of the mix, but so are SaaS (software as a service) providers such as Today, for the most part, IT must plug into cloud-based services individually, but cloud computing aggregators and integrators are already emerging.

InfoWorld talked to dozens of vendors, analysts, and IT customers to tease out the various components of cloud computing. Based on those discussions, here's a rough breakdown of what cloud computing is all about:

1. SaaS
This type of cloud computing delivers a single application through the browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the customer side, it means no upfront investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one app to maintain, costs are low compared to conventional hosting. is by far the best-known example among enterprise applications, but SaaS is also common for HR apps and has even worked its way up the food chain to ERP, with players such as Workday. And who could have predicted the sudden rise of SaaS "desktop" applications, such as Google Apps and Zoho Office?

2. Utility computing
The idea is not new, but this form of cloud computing is getting new life from, Sun, IBM, and others who now offer storage and virtual servers that IT can access on demand. Early enterprise adopters mainly use utility computing for supplemental, non-mission-critical needs, but one day, they may replace parts of the datacenter. Other providers offer solutions that help IT create virtual datacenters from commodity servers, such as 3Tera's AppLogic and Cohesive Flexible Technologies' Elastic Server on Demand. Liquid Computing's LiquidQ offers similar capabilities, enabling IT to stitch together memory, I/O, storage, and computational capacity as a virtualized resource pool available over the network.

3. Web services in the cloud
Closely related to SaaS, Web service providers offer APIs that enable developers to exploit functionality over the Internet, rather than delivering full-blown applications. They range from providers offering discrete business services -- such as Strike Iron and Xignite -- to the full range of APIs offered by Google Maps, ADP payroll processing, the U.S. Postal Service, Bloomberg, and even conventional credit card processing services.

4. Platform as a service
Another SaaS variation, this form of cloud computing delivers development environments as a service. You build your own applications that run on the provider's infrastructure and are delivered to your users via the Internet from the provider's servers. Like Legos, these services are constrained by the vendor's design and capabilities, so you don't get complete freedom, but you do get predictability and pre-integration. Prime examples include's, Coghead and the new Google App Engine. For extremely lightweight development, cloud-based mashup platforms abound, such as Yahoo Pipes or

5. MSP (managed service providers)
One of the oldest forms of cloud computing, a managed service is basically an application exposed to IT rather than to end-users, such as a virus scanning service for e-mail or an application monitoring service (which Mercury, among others, provides). Managed security services delivered by SecureWorks, IBM, and Verizon fall into this category, as do such cloud-based anti-spam services as Postini, recently acquired by Google. Other offerings include desktop management services, such as those offered by CenterBeam or Everdream.

6. Service commerce platforms
A hybrid of SaaS and MSP, this cloud computing service offers a service hub that users interact with. They're most common in trading environments, such as expense management systems that allow users to order travel or secretarial services from a common platform that then coordinates the service delivery and pricing within the specifications set by the user. Think of it as an automated service bureau. Well-known examples include Rearden Commerce and Ariba.

7. Internet integration
The integration of cloud-based services is in its early days. OpSource, which mainly concerns itself with serving SaaS providers, recently introduced the OpSource Services Bus, which employs in-the-cloud integration technology from a little startup called Boomi. SaaS provider Workday recently acquired another player in this space, CapeClear, an ESB (enterprise service bus) provider that was edging toward b-to-b integration. Way ahead of its time, Grand Central -- which wanted to be a universal "bus in the cloud" to connect SaaS providers and provide integrated solutions to customers -- flamed out in 2005.

Today, with such cloud-based interconnection seldom in evidence, cloud computing might be more accurately described as "sky computing," with many isolated clouds of services which IT customers must plug into individually. On the other hand, as virtualization and SOA permeate the enterprise, the idea of loosely coupled services running on an agile, scalable infrastructure should eventually make every enterprise a node in the cloud. It's a long-running trend with a far-out horizon. But among big metatrends, cloud computing is the hardest one to argue with in the long term.

This article, "What cloud computing really means," was originally published at Follow the latest developments in cloud computing at For the latest developments in business technology news, follow on Twitter.

Read more about cloud computing in InfoWorld's Cloud Computing Channel.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

1. Subject dan Verb Agreement:

Subject Verb-agreement berarti kalimat yang mempunyai kesesuaian antara subject dan predikat. Dan Anda sudah mengerti bahwa yang bisa menduduki predikat dalam Bhs Inggris adalah tobe, dan Verb.Yang pertama harus diingat dan dimengerti adalah materi Personal pronoun.
Apakah Anda masih ingat tentang pelajaran personal pronoun sebagai subjek, okay kalau sudah lupa kita ulangi pelajaran tersebut:
1. Kalimat Nominal mempunyai susunan subject dan predikat seperti dibawah ini:

Tunggal Tobe Jamak Tobe
Orang I I am we are
Orang II you are you are
Orang III he, she, it is they are

2. Kalimat Verbal mempunyai susunan subject dan predikat sebagai berikut:
Tunggal Kata kerja Jamak Kata kerja
Orang I I Verb 1(tanpa s/es) we Verb 1 (tanpa s/es)
Orang II you Verb 1 (tanpa s/es) you Verb 1 (tanpa s/es)
Kata Orang III he, she, it Verb 1 ( s/es) they Verb 1 (tanpa s/es)
Penguasaan materi diatas adalah dasar dari materi Subject Verb-agreement.

Noun Clause adalah Clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Selain Noun Clause ini, sebenarnya masih ada clause lainnya seperti Adverb Clause dan Adjective Clause. Untuk mendalami penjelasan mengenai Noun Clause, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:

Statement (pernyataan)
Question (pertanyaan)
Request (permintaan)
Exclamation (seruan).


1. Statement

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat

Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all (Noun Clause)

2) Subjek Kalimat setelah "It"

It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia

3) Objek Pelengkap

My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia

4) Objek Kata Kerja

All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia

5) Apositif

My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.

2. Question

A. Yes/No Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "whether (or not/or if)"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat

Can she drive the car? (Question)
Whether she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she can drive the car or not doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or if she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)

2) Objek Pelengkap

My question is whether she can drive the car.

3) Objek Kata Kerja

I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).

4) Objek Kata Depan

We discussed about whether she can drive the car.

B. Wh- Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat

What is he doing? (Question)
What she is doing doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)

2) Objek Pelengkap

My question is what she is doing.

3) Objek Kata Kerja

I really wonder what she is doing.

4) Objek Kata Depan

We discussed about what she is doing.


Posisi kembali normal, tidak seperti posisi sebuah pertanyaan normal.

3. Request

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja

Read the book! (Request)
He suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)


Tanda seru hilang.

4. Exclamation

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja

What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
I never realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)

2) Objek Kata Depan

We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.

Catatan Tambahan:

Noun Clause dengan "that" digunakan sebagai subjek dari suatu kalimat hanya dengan kata kerja tertentu. Dan kata kerja (verb) yang penting adalah linking verb, khususnya BE.
Noun Clause dengan "that" sering menjadi objek dari verb (kata kerja), beberapa verb berikut ini biasanya mempunyai subjek yang me�nunjukkan manusia. Kata-kata tersebut terutama sekali adalah verb yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speech Berta verb yang menyatakan kegiatan mental.

Kata Kerja Kalimat Tak Langsung

Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, explain, foretell, hint, inform, insist, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, predict, proclaim, promise, relate, remark, remind, report, say, state, swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn

Kata Kerja Aktivitas Mental

Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), conceive, conclude, consider, convince, decide, discover, doubt, dream, expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (pendapat), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, prove, question, realize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, regret, rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish


Alex thinks that Mary is ill.
Bob told me that he had finished breakfast.
Henry says that Jack is very busy.
He insists that there is a mistake.
He complained to his friend that his wife couldn't cook.

Dalam percakapan yang tidak resmi (informal) "that" sering dihilangkan dari objek Clause jika artinya (maksudnya) sudah jelas dapat dimengerti tanpa adanya "that".


I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station.
He says (that) they plan to come to the dance.
We thought (that) you had already left for abroad.
The reason we returned so early is, (that) one of the children got sick.

Noun Clause dari question (pertanyaan) yang terletak sesudah verb yang memerlukan 2 objek mungkin berfungsi sebagai salah satu atau kedua objek dari verb tersebut.


Give the man (Indirect Object) what is in this envelope (Direct Object)
Give what is in the envelope to the man.

Noun Clause dari pertanyaan mungkin diawali dengan kata-kata tanya yang berfungsi sebagai: Pronouns, Adjectives, atau Adverbs. Kata-kata yang dipakai adalah: Pronoun = who (ever), what (ever(, which. (ever), Adjective = whose, what (ever), which (ever), Adverb = how (ever), when (ever), where (ever), why.


We don't know who will be coming from the employment agency. (who adalah subjek dari will be coming)
We don't know whom the employment agency will send. (whom adalah objek dari will send)
We will ask whoever comes from the employment agency. (whoever adalah subjek dari comes)
We will ask whomever the employment agency sends. (whomever adalah objek dari sends)

Dalam Noun Clause dari pertanyaan, subjek dan verb mempunyai susunan yang umum, yakni terletak sesudah introductory word.
Noun Clause dari permintaan dimulai dengan that- Clause ini paling sering merupakan objek dari verb yang menyatakan permintaan, saran, atau keinginan dan sebagainya.


He is requesting that a company car be placed at his disposal.
The doctor recommended that he take a vacation.
It was suggested that she leave immediately.
It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned.

Pengertian Klausa

Klausa ialah satuan gramatikal, berupa kelompok kata yang sekurang-kurangnya terdiri dari subjek (S) dan predikat (P), dan mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi kalimat (Kridalaksana dkk, 1980:208). Klausa ialah unsur kalimat, karena sebagian besar kalimat terdiri dari dua unsur klausa (Rusmaji, 113). Unsur inti klausa adalah S dan P. Namun demikian, S juga sering juga dibuangkan, misalnya dalam kalimat luas sebagai akibat dari penggabungan klausa, dan kalimat jawaban (Ramlan, 1981:62.
Dari definisi tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa klausa adalah satuan gramatik yang terdiri atas predikat, baik diikuti oleh subjek, objek, pelengkap, keterangan atau tidak dan merupakan bagian dari kalimat. Penanda klausa adalah P, tetapi yang menjadi klausa bukan hanya P, jika mempunyai S, klausa terdiri atas S dan P. Jika mempunyai S, klausa terdiri dari atas S, P, dan O. jika tidak memiliki O dan Ket, klausa terdiri atas P, O, dan Ket. Demikian seterusnya.Penanda klausa adalah P, tetapi yang dianggap sebagai unsure inti klausa adalah S dan P.
Penanda klausa adalah P, tetapi dalam realisasinya P itu bias juga tidak muncul misalnya dalam kalimta jawaban atau dalam bahasa Indonesia lisan tidak resmi. Contoh :
Pertanyaan : kamu memanggil siapa?
Jawaban : teman satu kampus  S dan P-nya dihilangkan.
Contoh pada bahasa tidak resmi : saya telat!  P-nya dihilangkan.
Klausa merupakan bagian dari kalimat. Oleh karena itu, klausa bukan kalimat. Klausa belum mempunyai intonasi lengkap. Sementara itu kalimat sudah mempunyai intonasi lengkap yang ditandai dengan adanya kesenyapan awal dan kesenyapan akhir yang menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut sudah selesai. Klausa sudah pasti mempunyai P, sedangkan kalimat belum tentu mempunyai P.

Jenis-jenis Klausa

Ada tiga dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan klausa. Ketiga dasar itu adalah (1) Klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan struktur internnya (BSI), (2) Klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan ada tidaknya unsur negasi yang menegatifkan P (BUN), dan (3) Klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan kategori frasa yang menduduki fungsi P (BKF). Berikut hasil klasifikasinya :

Klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan struktur internnya.

Klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan struktur internnya mengacu pada hadir tidaknya unsur inti klausa, yaitu S dan P. Dengan demikian, unsur ini klausa yang bisa tidak hadir adalah S, sedangkan P sebagai unsur inti klausa selalu hadir. Atas dasar itu, maka hasil klasifikasi klausa berdasarkan struktur internnya, berikut klasifikasinya :

Klausa Lengkap

Klausa lengkap ialah klausa yang semua unsur intinya hadir.
Klausa ini diklasifikasikan lagi berdasarkan urutan S dan P menjadi :

Klausa versi, yaitu klausa yang S-nya mendahului P. Contoh :

Kondisinya sudah baik.
Rumah itu sangat besar.
Mobil itu masih baru.

Klausa inversi, yaitu klausa yang P-nya mendahului S. Contoh :

Sudah baik kondisinya.
Sangat besar rumah itu.
Masih baru mobil itu.

Klausa Tidak Lengkap

Klausa tidak lengkap yaitu klausa yang tidak semua unsur intinya hadir. Biasanya dalam klausa ini yang hadir hanya S saja atau P saja. Sedangkan unsur inti yang lain dihilangkan.