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If clauses digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kondisi atas kejadian atau keberadaan sesuatu.
Contoh : If you mix sugar with water, it will dissolve
Here, the sugar will dissolve on the condition that you mix it with water.
Ada tiga tipe if clauses:

Type 1. mengenai kejadian nyata
Dalam tipe 1, if clause dalam present tense, sedangkan main clause biasanya dalam bentuk present, future, atau imperative.
  • If you go to the drug store, buy me a soft drink. (present ; imperative)
  • If Mary calls, I’ll invite her to the concert. (present ; future)
  • If Mary should call, I’ll invite her to the concert. (modal ; future)

Type 2
Type 2 is concerned with hypothetical or unreal situations in the present. (berkaitan dengan khayalan atau situasi yang tidak nyata saat ini.)
- If I had the money, I would buy a motorcycle.
This is called a hypothetical if clause because I don’t have the money but I am imagining what I would do if I did.

Type 3
Type 3 is concerned with hypothetical discussion about the past.
- If I had known you were sick, I would have made you some soup. (past perfect-modal past)
Here the implication is that I didn’t know you were sick (and that you may no longer be sick).
- If you had been here yesterday, you could have seen Pam. (past perfect-modal past)
It is clear in the example that you were not here yesterday.

Kata if sangat membantu untuk mengenali if clause, namun, tidak selalu digunakan.

Type 1: should
  • If you should get a letter from Greece, give me a call.
  • Should you get a letter from Greece, give me a call.

Type 2: were
  • If you were taller, you could reach the light.
  • Were you taller, you could reach the light.

Type 3
  • If I had agreed, Jim would have married me.
  • Had I agreed, Jim would have married me.
Unless, which has a meaning similar to if not, can also be used in conditional clauses.
  • If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the lake.
  • Unless it rains, we’ll go to the lake.

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